Cookies Policy

This Cookies Policy is a supplementary document to the Privacy Policy of Marusan Co., LTD, available at this link: (Privacy Policy link). Here you will find objective and clear information about what Cookies are, which Cookies we use in our applications, what role they play and how to configure them.

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files or pieces of information that are downloaded to your computer, smartphone or any other device with internet access when you visit our application.

They contain information about your navigation on our pages and retain only information related to your preferences.

Thus, this page is able to store and retrieve data about your browsing habits, in order to improve the user experience, for example. It is important to note that they do not contain specific personal information, such as sensitive or bank details.

Your browser stores cookies on your hard drive, but they occupy minimal memory space, which do not affect your computer’s performance. Most of the information is erased right after the session is closed, as you will see in the next topic.

1.1 Types of cookies

Cookies, as for their owners, can be:

  • Proprietary cookies: are cookies set by us or by third parties on our behalf
  • Third party cookies: are cookies set by trusted third parties in our application

Cookies, in terms of their lifetime, can be:

  • Session or temporary cookies: are cookies that expire as soon as you close your browser, ending the session
  • Persistent or permanent cookies: these are cookies that remain on your device for a set period of time or until you delete them

Cookies, regarding their purpose, can be:

  • Necessary cookies: Necessary cookies are essential cookies that allow navigation in our applications and access to all resources; if they do, our services may perform poorly or not work at all.
  • Performance cookies: are cookies that optimize the way our applications work, collecting anonymous information about the pages accessed.
  • Functionality cookies: are cookies that remember your preferences and choices (such as your username)
  • Advertising cookies: are cookies that target ads based on your interests and limit the number of times the ad appears.

2. Why Do We Use Cookies?

Marusan CO.,LTD uses cookies to provide the best user experience, making our applications easier and more personalized, based on your choices and browsing behavior.

Thus, we seek to understand how you use our applications and adjust the content to make it more relevant to you, in addition to remembering your preferences.

Cookies participate in this process as they store, read and execute the data necessary to fulfill our purpose.

3. What type of cookies do we use?

Below we list all the Cookies that may be used by Marusan Co.,LTD. It is important to remember that you can manage the permission granted for each Cookie in your browser.

Furthermore, as Cookies capture data about you, we advise you to read our Privacy Policy, available at this link (Privacy Policy link).

3.1 Necessary cookies(1 cookie)

Necessary cookies help make a website easier to use, allowing basic functions such as page navigation and access to areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.

  • Cookie Name: CONSENT
  • Provider: YouTube
  • Type: HTTP
  • Duration Time:Temporary
  • Description:  Usado para detectar se o visitante aceitou a categoria de marketing no banner de cookies. Este cookie é necessário para o site estar em conformidade com o GDPR.

3.2 Cookies de publicidade (3 cookies)

Os cookies de marketing são utilizados para rastrear visitantes em sites. A intenção é exibir anúncios relevantes e envolventes para o usuário e, portanto, de mais valor para os proprietários do site e anunciantes terceiros.

  • Nome do Cookie: VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE
  • Provedor: YouTube
  • Tipo: HTTP
  • Tempo de Duração: Temporário
  • Descrição:  Tenta estimar a largura de banda dos usuários em páginas com vídeos do YouTube integrados.
  • Nome do Cookie: YSC
  • Provedor: YouTube
  • Tipo: HTTP
  • Tempo de Duração: Temporário (Por sessão)
  • Descrição:  Tenta estimar a largura de banda dos usuários em páginas com vídeos do YouTube integrados.

  • Nome do Cookieytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY
  • Provedor: YouTube
  • Tipo: HTTP
  • Tempo de Duração: Temporário
  • Descrição:  Tenta estimar a largura de banda dos usuários em páginas com vídeos do YouTube integrados.


Segue o contato de nossa empresa para mais informações sobre nossa política de privacidade.

Aichi-ken Toyohashi-shi Naka Iwata 5-6-17